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Primetime NBA 2K22 Packages: New Moment Cards

Nov-09-2021 PST

Superstar Cole Anthony and veteran goalkeeper Ricky Rubio recently made excellent performances in NBA games. As a result, they received new Moments cards as part of the NBA 2K22 Primetime Packs package. Alongside them are other notable players from recent gigs like Mike Moskala, Jordan Paul, and Kyle Lowry.

New instant cards in NBA 2K22 Primetime packs

2K unveiled seven new Moments cards on MyTeam on Monday as part of the Primetime NBA 2K22 packages. Moment Cards are awarded to players who have performed brilliantly in recent real-life games.

Ricky Rubio’s performance on Sunday night definitely qualifies him for an updated item. The attacker's guard rose from the Cleveland Caves substitution bench and scored 37 points, 10 assists, three rebounds, and a plunge. This helped the Cleveland team win 126-109 in New York and improved 7-4 this season.

While Orlando Magic hasn’t impressed many people yet this season, Cole Anthony has impressed. The sophomore scored 33 points against 13 in 20 shots, five of three. Together with teammate Wendell Carter Jr.’s double, Rubio’s efforts helped Orlando beat the visiting Jazz team, which had both star-dropping games.

Rubio has the highest card in the 2K22 Moments version with 95 new Pink Diamond. He was joined by Diamond players Kyle Lowry and Richon Holmes, who each had a total of 93 cards. Anthony and Warriors ’Jordan Poole received a total of 91 amethyst cards. There are also two ruby cards with OKC's Mike Moskala and Feliz Furkan Korkmaz.

Players can get NBA Primetime Moments packages with virtual currency and NBA 2K22 MT on the market. One canister is 7500VC or 10500MT, while the 10-pack is 67500VC. The box of 20 packs is 135,000 volts C. It is available for 72 hours. In addition, player cards will be sold at the NBA 2K22 auction to MT.

MyTeam locker code and new seasonal programs

The NBA 2K22 Primetime packages arrive on MyTeam with completely new agendas for the season. These programs use Moments Player Team players to achieve similar statistics. For example, throwing eight three-pointers to multiple three-threat online games to match Rubio's stats. Most programs have the acquisition of points, triangles, rebounds, or passes.

In addition to the agenda for the season mentioned above, we expect the new NBA 2K22 tray code to be omitted. Most likely, this will allow players to get one of the new Moments cards in the free Primetime package.

Visit the NBA2king 2K page for more game news and instructions.