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Play NBA 2K21 with friends

Jan-26-2021 PST

Inviting your friends to communicate online is usually one of the easiest to use features of any game on the market. Although this is the case with the NBA 2K franchise, switching to the next-generation console when using multiplayer features is a bit tricky for this year's main game. Playing with friends from previous generation consoles requires you to have a backward-compatible copy of NBA 2K21, and you may also encounter trouble when trying to invite people from the same generation console to join your team.

You will notice that the player list on the phone is not always accurate, which causes the player to start thinking about whether it can still play online with friends in NBA 2K21. Don't worry, because you can still play with your teammates in NBA 2K21, but you only need to skip some extra basketball.

Here, you can play NBA 2K21 online with your friends by nba2king. How do you play NBA 2K21 online with your friends?

If you can’t seem to join the player’s lobby, or they can’t join your lobby via their mobile phone, you need to go to the record center. After entering the recording center, pull out your phone and search for the person you want to invite to the "Online Users" list. Scroll to its name and click to display the submenu. Select "Invite you to enter the entertainment hall" and the invitation will be sent to your friends. After accepting the invitation, they will appear in the same Rec Center as you. Now that you and your partner are on the same server, you can combine all game modes. If you want to play in the park with other players, you need to go to the park with your friends. Although it sounds like a lot of work, when you add NBA 2K21 friends to the same lineup, time will speed up.

Use PlayStation 5's built-in party function to play NBA 2K21 with your friends.

PlayStation 5 users have a more direct option, they can try to play with friends in NBA 2K21. Press the home button and navigate to the profile of a friend who is playing NBA 2K21. Please note that your friends need to be connected to NBA 2K21 and The City to use this method because you will join their meeting. After entering the opponent’s profile, you will see a small indicator at the bottom left of the screen, indicating that they are playing NBA 2K21. If it says "Joinable" under it, you can join their conversation through the indicator by pressing the square.

If you are already playing NBA 2K21 before applying this method, you will encounter a loading screen that will take you to your friend's lobby. If you have not played the game before, the game will open automatically, but sometimes errors may occur and prevent you from entering the main menu. We recommend that you open NBA 2K21 and enter The City before attending the conference to ensure that you try to enter the lobby for the first time.

In addition, your friends can also use the same method to join your session, which means you can wait for them to mark when they relax in The City.

If none of the above methods work for you, please try to exit The City and rejoin, and then try again. You can try to completely close NBA 2K21 and wait 5 minutes on the main screen of the screen, because if you have been playing in a session for a long time, then the game may have some problems when it is invited.