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NBA 2K21: About the renewed My Team

Sep-02-2020 PST

We will be able to take our achievements in NBA 2K21 and our cards from the current generation of My Team to the next genre. This year’s NBA season has been postponed due to the coronavirus and its finals are still being played while the transfers have already been decided.

In the virtual world, however, there’s not such a stagnant war going on in the sport: 2K Sports is waiting for players with a fully developed season, with plenty of new features in the fan-favorite mode of the series, the NBA 2K21 My Team. The game mode, which plays an important role in all parts of the sports game, will be renewed this year, and now a video of the gameplay has arrived. 2K has announced My Team’s biggest innovations, proving they’ve taken the subject seriously, dazzling fans with new twists.

The most important changes in points:

   Seasonal change, new seasons in NBA 2K21. As the seasons change, new content arrives in our game, and this brings a novelty that affects the whole year of play. It’s completely free for everyone, it doesn’t cost money.

   Customize badges and card developments. The badges are back and accessible to anyone from bronze category players to Hall of Fame stars. Evolution cards now have a wide range of developments, so you can manipulate how your individual cards evolve.

   New Limited Mode / Unlimited Mode 2.0. Limited will be a game mode in which we can measure ourselves for a set period of time on weekends, from Friday to Sunday, each time according to new rules, where every player has a chance to win Champion Rings, i.e. league rings. Every weekend a new ring of this kind becomes available, get all the seasonal rings to unlock the best Limited game mode rewards. Add to that the fact that Unlimited Mode has been thoroughly reworked, consisting of 9 leagues through which we have to basket ourselves to get to the top.

   Exchange, also known as exchange market. From now on, you can swap cards that you don't need for cards that will then be an integral part of your deck. Get more NBA 2K21 MT from it.

   The Idol Series Collection includes the biggest players in NBA history, stars from the past and present. The card collection will consist of 15 cards, which will be released gradually from September, when the first Pink Diamond card will debut.

In addition, 2K has also confirmed that we will be able to transfer our backup and card collection from the current generation to the next generation version if we do this within a family of machines. This means that the backup can be transferred from PS4 to PS5, from Xbox One to Xbox Series X. A free demo is coming soon that will take you to see what NBA 2K21 can do on current generation systems.