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Madden 24

Madden NFL 24: The Best Coverage Defense

Oct-11-2023 PST

Madden NFL 24 is an ever-evolving game that requires both strategic thinking and tactical execution. On the defensive side of the ball, having a strong defense can be the key to victory. In this article, we will explore one of the best coverage defenses in Madden NFL 24: the Cover Three Cloud defense. We'll break down the tactics and adjustments that can help you confuse your opponents and dominate on the defensive side of the virtual gridiron.

The Foundation: Cover Three Cloud

The Cover Three Cloud defense is a powerful choice in Madden NFL 24, mainly because it's a hybrid scheme that combines elements of Cover Three on one side and a Cover Two style on the opposite side. Many Madden players practice their offense against common coverages like Man, Cover Two, and Cover Three, but the hybrid nature of Cover Three Cloud often leaves them baffled. This alone can lead to interceptions and disrupt your opponent's game plan.

Setting Up the Defense

To execute the Cover Three Cloud effectively, you need to make a few key adjustments. Here's how to set it up:

    1. Select a Fast Safety as Your User Defender: Your user-controlled defender should be a safety, preferably a fast and tall one. This allows you to cover more ground and react quickly to offensive plays.

    2. Coaching Adjustments:

       • Auto Flip: Turn it on to ensure your defense aligns correctly based on your opponent's formation.

       • Auto Alignment: Set it to base for a balanced alignment.

       • Zone Drop Flats: Set to 30.

       • Zone Drop Curl Flats: Set to 5.

These adjustments are essential to make your Cover Three Cloud defense more effective and versatile.

Covering Compressed Sets

Against compressed sets like Gun Bunch or Gun Tight, you need to press your defense and make sure the deep zone on the right side is set to a quarter to defend corner routes effectively. Additionally, you can put your flat defender on the running backside into a curl flat to take away quick dump-off passes.

Blitz your user defender and patrol the middle of the field. By executing these steps, you can effectively shut down most plays from compressed sets. This setup is particularly potent against opponents attempting to go deep every play.

Against Tight Sets

When facing tight offensive formations, maintain the press and ensure that your outside corner is in a quarter. You can also put a defender into a curl flat if you anticipate your opponent repeatedly targeting the flats.

The Cover Three Cloud's symmetrical formation, like the Dollar formation, allows for quick flips, simplifying your defensive adjustments. This setup covers the flats, deep routes, and even tight-end seams effectively.

Managing Trips Sets

Trips formations are popular in Madden NFL 24 and often pose a challenge for defenses. To handle trip sets efficiently, ensure your curl flat is aligned to the side of the running back. Blitz your user defender and focus on controlling the middle of the field. Most opponents will attempt to attack the sideline or throw quick passes.

Occasionally, you might need to manually adjust your defenders to man up the tight end or switch to another route to make plays. This adaptive strategy can thwart trip sets with ease.

Handling Spread Sets

Spread formations are not as common as other formations, but when you encounter them, it's essential to flip the defense and ensure that your curl flat covers the running back's side. Blitz your user defender as always and focus on limiting quick passes and seams.

If necessary, you can put a defender into a curl flat on the opposite side of the field to prevent quick throws to the flat. Additionally, manning up the slot receiver can effectively neutralize seam routes in Cover Three Cloud.

Tips for Playing Cover 3 Cloud

   • Use your user to defend the middle of the field.

   • Be aware of the seam route, as it is a weakness of Cover 3 Cloud.

   • If you're seeing a lot of quick screens and flats, drop your hook curl into a curl flat.

   • Don't be afraid to Blitz your user. Creating pressure on the quarterback is the best way to force interceptions and turnovers.


Mastering the Cover Three Cloud defense in Madden NFL 24 is all about understanding your opponent's offensive formation, making strategic adjustments, and adapting to their playcalling. With this defense in your arsenal, you can confuse your opponents and make them pay for their mistakes, leading to more interceptions and defensive stops.

Remember that practice makes perfect, and honing your defensive skills is crucial to becoming a dominant force in Madden NFL 24. By implementing the strategies outlined in this article, you'll be well on your way to establishing a formidable defense that can disrupt your opponents' game plans and secure more victories on the virtual gridiron.

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