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NBA 2K - A novelty in 2K21 thanks to Damian Lillard!

Aug-19-2020 PST

Present on the next cover of NBA 2K21, Damian Lillard has been deeply involved in the game. More than a mere appearance, the Blazers point guard had the chance to test the opus, but also to give his feelings. Thus, a rather expected novelty will emerge thanks to him.

We have known for several weeks now, Damian Lillard will be on the cover of NBA 2K21. It should be noted that it will only be on the current generation of consoles (PS4 and Xbox One), with Zion Williamson being the choice for the next generation (PS5 and Xbox Series X). It is not known if the Pelicans player was involved in the development of the game, but Dame was.

A big fan of 2K since he was a teenager, Lillard wanted to help the developers with the design of the game. He was able to test the opus over the last few months to give his thoughts. It is even thanks to him that we will be able to have something new that is welcome.

In a recent post shared on the NBA 2K site, this is what one developer said: I was fortunate enough to participate in a Zoom video conference with athlete Damian Lillard a few months ago. He plays 2K a lot, and has given us his thoughts and ideas for 2K21. But his most important request? To be able to do a tall GM in My CAREER. So for all of you Penny Hardaway fans, you can thank Dame, since thanks to her, the maximum height for a GM is now 2.03m.

Dame has shared with us everything she likes and dislikes about the gameplay, and we've added this list to one already compiled by the community. After compiling all of this feedback, we were able to compile a list of the improvements the community wanted (for example, the long passes to the baseline that kept coming out). We then found some skill-based solutions that should make the game more fun and fairer for everyone.

A bigger leader? This is something that should make the players happy. We won't be able to copy a Ben Simmons build yet, but we're getting close. On Twitter, Lillard reacted to this news: Many thanks to the NBA2K team for giving importance to my feedback in order to improve #MyCareer mode with Cheap NBA 2K21 MT. I've always wanted to create a great leader in this game.

Damian Lillard has been listened to, and millions of players will be able to benefit from it. We hope that the leader of the Blazers has slipped some other advice to the developers. Answer during the month of September.